Publish date: 6 December 2024
Read in: 12 min
The roots of holistic medicine trace back thousands of years, making it a time-tested approach rather than a modern invention. At its core is a holistic view of the human body, on every possible level. Not just the physical one. What is holistic medicine really?
Life in the 21st century is busy. Bustling, dynamic, fast-paced. Fortunately, more and more people are beginning to recognise that this pace is not good for health, and that conventional medical currents are not enough to keep us healthy and fit. We need fortitude not only of the body, but also of the spirit. Holistic medicine is a field that offers all this. How do we define a holistic approach to human health?
Although increasingly popular, holistic medicine is often misunderstood and mistakenly linked to esotericism, superstition, or non-scientific practices. It is sometimes reduced to the use of herbs or traditional folk practices, which obscures its true meaning – an approach that supports health in a comprehensive and holistic way. Holistic medicine in modern parlance is about combining medical knowledge with care for every aspect of health – physical, mental and emotional.
It is about a holistic approach to the human being that is not limited to the physical sphere. It puts an equal sign between body, mind and spirit. It does not focus on symptoms alone, but looks for causes in different areas of the patient’s life, psychological factors, environmental factors, spiritual factors. And with all this – it still remains medicine.
Representatives of ancient cultures already knew the importance of such a broad and multi-level approach to health. The word ‘holistic’ comes from the Greek holos, meaning ‘whole’. In ancient history, medicine was inextricably linked with philosophy and spirituality. It is balance that is the key to full health and well-being.
Fundamentally, holistic medicine integrates elements of conventional medicine while enhancing them with natural approaches. This is because holistic medicine combines conventional and natural approaches, drawing from both the best, most effective and safest. The many years of experience of our specialists in this area confirms that these two approaches are not mutually exclusive; on the contrary, they complement each other perfectly.
The physical and mental health of a human being form an inseparable whole, as Avicenna perfectly understood as far back as the 11th century. This thought guides the philosophy of NAMI Medical Holistic Care, where we treat each guest holistically, as a being whose body and mind work together to achieve a state of harmony and well-being. At our spa, we promote regeneration on all levels – physical, emotional and spiritual. We believe that for the body to fully regenerate, the mind must be in a state of calm. This is why we place such importance on relaxation techniques, breath work, meditation, emotional balance, and wellness. The balanced lifestyle we promote helps to achieve long-term health and a sense of inner harmony.
We treat the human body as a complex and inseparable system of interconnectedness, where individual systems and organs influence the wellbeing of the whole, while the whole determines the state of each component part. We consider body and mind as a coherence, which is why we pay so much attention to issues of mental and emotional balance. We also take a holistic approach to lifestyle, tending to its most important spheres, essential for healing and regeneration: nutritious and balanced nutrition, physical activity, soothing sleep, stress management techniques. This synergistic approach allows our guests to achieve the best results in a short period of time.
Holistic medicine, like the human body standing on two legs, is built on two foundational pillars. Like the human body, these are made up of elements, each of which has an extremely important function. They are all interrelated and complement each other, creating a unique system that enables comprehensive patient care at NAMI Medical Holistic Care.
The foundations of holistic medicine are classical medicine and natural medicine. What does this mean exactly? What areas make them up? We explain everything below.
The first essential pillar of balance is classical medicine. It is based on conventional methods that have a diagnostic and therapeutic basis.
Natural medicine complements the classical approach, enriching it with scientifically validated methods. We believe that conventional treatments are not enough, so we support them with the simultaneous use of natural methods with scientifically proven efficacy.
A component of natural medicine is also the awareness that daily choices, routines and habits influence whether a lifestyle will be called healthy or harmful. At NAMI Medical Holistic Care, we do not overlook this part either, bearing in mind how important a role our lives play:
Holistic medicine is accessible to individuals of all ages, genders, lifestyles, and health conditions. Benefiting from the beneficial effects of the methods we have mentioned in this article is helpful for people struggling with ailments, pain, illnesses – as well as for healthy people who want to prevent illness and enjoy well-being for years to come.
The scope of indications for holistic medicine is remarkably broad. These include chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, Hashimoto’s or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The methods used are also effective in treating emotional problems, such as the effects of chronic stress, neurosis, anxiety, depression or sleep disorders.
However, like any treatment method, holistic medicine has its limitations. Acute conditions requiring immediate surgical intervention may be a contraindication.
True health transcends temporary relief; it is a long-term investment in longevity and quality of life. Our approach to longevity focuses on supporting the body in a way that not only recovers, but maintains it for many years to come. Through personalised therapies, well-balanced nutrition and stress-reduction techniques, we help our guests – NAMI’s patients – to prolong their health, not just treat ailments. Longevity is the art of living life to the fullest at any age, and our health programmes support this process by helping you to feel that the best period of your life is just beginning.
NAMI Medical Holistic Care’s team of experienced professionals uses modern and proven methods, while making lasting changes to your life in the form of new, healthy habits. In this way, we help you regain your health, balance and well-being – not only in the moment, but also in the future. At NAMI Medical Holistic Care, you will transform your life for a healthier, fuller and happier You.